Waterdown Prevent Getting Locked Out

Waterdown Locksmith 866-820-1331

Waterdown Prevent Getting Locked Out

Waterdown Prevent Getting Locked Out

Getting locked out is a problem that’s almost as embarrassing as it is frustrating, and it can lead to all sorts of other difficulties and really off-set your plans for the day. After a long-day’s work the last thing you want to be doing is standing around outside your home in the rain, and if you’ve got a long list of appointments it’s even worse. Breaking a window is of course an option but that will cost you money and could even lead to an impromptu interview from the police. Looking into ways to avoid getting locked out then can save you a lot of teasing and wasted time and money.


The first thing to do is to try to get into a routine of always taking your keys with you when you leave work/college/wherever it is you go regularly.

Leave them on the side in view, or keep them in your pocket while you work. Alternatively if you take a bag or briefcase to work you could leave them in there to make sure they’re with you. Better yet is to have two copies – one lot inside your bag and another on the side or in your pocket. This way should you forget your keys on the way home you will still have a ‘backup’ set in your bag with you, and if you have forgotten your whole bag you should still have a set in your pocket or that you picked up from the side.


Another option that some people go for but seems to split opinions, is to store a set of keys outside your house.

This can mean putting them under a door mat (though this is a little too cliched and obvious), under a plant pot (again obvious) or in a bush in the back garden (better). Some people don’t feel comfortable leaving a key or set of keys outside as they feel it makes their house vulnerable to thieves. However if you really consider how likely it is that someone will just happen to go up to your plant pot and check for a key on the off chance that it’s there then you’ll realise the concern is unfounded (make sure no one sees you stash it there). If they are in your front garden rooting around under pots and mats then the chances are that they’re going to be determined enough to break in one way or another. If you really want to be safe however then you could even try hiding your keys in the shed, locking the shed, then hiding the shed keys in the garden.


A slightly safer but similar option is to leave sets of keys with friends and relatives.

Giving them to a neighbour (or two neighbours) is a good plan as it means you will be able to go and fetch them easily. If you know someone in the neighbourhood who is retired (perhaps an elderly neighbour) then they will make great candidates as they will be around more often (though you still need to make sure not to be a pest). Additionally give copies of your keys to parents, siblings and partners – the more you give it out the more backups you’ll have. Of course failing this, and in scenarios when you still don’t have access to a key, you will still need a back up plan so it can be worthwhile putting the number of a local locksmith in your phone.