Key codes are used by Locksmith Whitby to create keys. These key codes are made up of characters that have both numbers and letters; hence, they are called alphanumeric key codes. If you observe the locks on your desks or filing cabinets or their keys, you will notice that they have certain letters and numbers stamped on them; these numbers and letters are key codes. Key codes are generated in a random manner and provide an identity to a key that is different from that of other keys. Locksmith Whitby have the skills to decipher any lock’s key coder and make a key to fit the lock.
There are several types of key codes used. One type is the direct digit key code.
Each digit on this type of key coder corresponds to a cut in the key. The value of the digit indicates the depth of the cut. Many lock manufacturers print the Kay code on the key. Since each digit corresponds to a pin on the key, digit key codes are generally long codes. The second type of key coder is one in which there is a pattern between the code and the key. Mathematical tricks are used in this type of key code and hence this code isn’t a straightforward one where each digit corresponds to the depth of the cut. There is a third type of code which is quite complex and requires a code book to decipher it. Since there is no pattern to the cuts on the key, the Emergency Locksmith Whitby must have a code book. One example of a code book is the Reed Code books. This particular brand has a volume for each type of lock. In this day of computers, Locksmith Whitby can buy computer programs that have information on key codes. This software is quite secure as it’s copy-protected. There are different types of computer programs with different features and they come with demo disks to assist the Locksmith Whitby in understanding them.
Locksmith Whitby key codes are usually categorized into 2 types; blind codes and butting codes.
Most key codes are blind key codes and a code book or computer program is required to translate this blind code into a butting code. However, for security purposes, only licensed Locksmith Whitby can have access to these code books and computer programs. Locksmith Whitby can also create their own blind code systems for high security clients by using the technique of blind coding. Bitting codes are those codes that are translated by the Locksmith Whitby from the blind codes. Locksmith Whitby use the bitting codes on blank keys to make the new key. The blind code provides the setting and information required for the bitting code. Once the Locksmith Whitby gets the bitting code, he can then set his code machine to that particular setting and cut the new key.
The Locksmith Whitby key coding system is in widespread use.
It provides maximum security as this system ensures that there is only one code for one key. Computers will never generate a code that has been created once and, hence, keys cannot be duplicated by error. You are this way assured that your property is safe as only you have the keys to the locks that protect it.
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