Locksmith Whitby Social Media Advice

Locksmith Whitby Social Media Advice is offered to you because lately we see that people are making some on line mistakes. We offer our Locksmith Whitby Social Media Advice because we would like to see all of our customers being safe and secure. Locksmith Whitby Social Media Advice and services are available to you 24/7 and you can call for help in any kind of locksmith problem you have.

Locksmith Whitby Social Media Advice

Locksmith Whitby Social Media Advice


While you might not have many followers, a great way to prevent theft and robbery is to make sure you’re staying safe on social media. With that in mind, here are 3 tips to make sure your social media usage doesn’t turn into robbery.

  1. Don’t Post Your Valuables

Just as you don’t place valuable items near your window or write a detailed Facebook post on how to disable your alarm system, make sure not to flaunt the priceless possessions you own on line. It’s easy for criminals to find out what you own on social media, figure out where you live, and make a plan. Don’t make it easy for them. Social media is about sharing your experiences and connecting with other people— focus on that.

  1. Remember Not to Geo-Tag

While it’s nice to check in to a location or mark where a picture was taken for special occasions, you don’t need to do it all the time. Robbers are able to see exactly where you are. While you’re at home, it’s a great idea to disable the Geo-tagging function to make sure you’re totally safe.

  1. Delay Those Great Vacation Pics

Just like you always want to leave a couple lights on when you’re gone, you shouldn’t let people know that your home will be vacant for a significant period of time. Suppress the urge to live tweet and stream every second of your vacation. Post all of your pics when you’re safe at home. That way, you’re not making your home a target.

One of the best things you can do is invest in superior locks for your home. We are committed to providing quality locksmith services. For any locks you need, feel free to contact Locksmith Whitby and we can determine the best fit for you.